Introduction: Fakira is a free soul anthology, where contributing authors have penned in Hindi and English what being free means to them with some life experiences to ponder ...
Fakira is a free soul anthology, where contributing authors have penned in Hindi and English what being free means to them with some life experiences to ponder on.
The anthology is bilingual comprising of Hindi and English poems. The compilation is done keeping the youth of India in mind who speak a mix of both languages. The starting poem is a beautiful poetry on men and what society expects from them while their freedom is predetermined. You will find poems that talk about how old social believes are still trying to define the terms whereas the new times require changes in the though process. You will fall in love with some Hindi poems that are rhythmic joyful defining being a free soul. Some series issue on women’s plight in the society is also discussed beautifully in poems.
Some of the poems look like they have been extended without need.
Overall this book is good read for people who love poetry, are looking to understand freedom in life and who love to read something light with deeper meaning.