by Sumana Venkat
I love nature, like most of us do. The greenery and the freshness fill my soul with the serenity unexplainable. I love to click photos and exhibit them as looking at them repeatedly sort of gives a positive vibe to me.
I love the lessons flowers impart. Below are some of them listed.
A flower irrespective of its breed and origin, blooms on its own without any influence. It neither waits for anyone’s approval nor anyone’s direction. It never bothers about anyone’s appreciation too.
We should also be like those flowers. We shouldn’t get affected by others’ opinions about us. If it’s the appreciation we should take them humbly and move ahead and if it’s the criticism we shouldn’t get boggled by that, rather take it as a lesson learnt and try to improve. Yearning for appreciation always leaves us frustrated in its absence and cringing with the criticism may cripple us of our creativity. So don’t worry unnecessarily about what others think!!
A flower has its own design. Every flower is unique in its shape and fragrance. The colour combinations and the clusters differ significantly. No flower looks less attractive.
It’s the same with us humans too. Even though we belong to the same clan, we are different from each other in every aspect. There may be some resemblance because of the genes we carry. Still even the twins, triplets have differences. These differences make us unique. Both the intellect and the physical aspects contribute separately to our existence. We must appreciate the variety we carry. So thrive on the differences and make them your strength!
A flower blooms and lives its life fully even after it has a very short life span. The energy and the enthusiasm it shows in blooming under adverse situations are phenomenal.
We should also be like those flowers. We can’t predict our future lest alone escape from it. Simply regretting our past and immersing ourselves in the past experiences or fearing the future and making our inhibitions grow will only add to our stress. We must learn to live in our present. Put all our energy into making it beautiful not only for us, but also for others.
A flower leaves an impact even after it’s gone. Its attributes like the vibrant colour, the shape and the fragrance will be etched in our minds. Remembering it will make us happy.
We must be like flowers too in this aspect. When we leave, it may be from a scene or a situation even, others should remember us for our contribution. We should make an impact on others in a positive way so that others should always feel happy to get connected to us even in our absence.
Flowers never complain of the heat, chill or the rains. They bloom and sway happily.
We should learn this very important aspect from flowers. Usually we crib about the adversities of life. And this cribbing becomes a habit after some time. Cribbing brings only negativity to us. We are better off adjusting, compromising and reshaping the current situation rather than complaining about them. By not complaining we even become tolerable to others.
Flowers of all kinds are always loved for one or the other reasons. Whether they are roses or jasmines, chrysanthemum or lotus, orchids or wildflowers all are close to our hearts.
We can be like the flowers also. By developing adorable attributes and getting rid of offensive behaviours we can become dear to fellow humans. It all needs to give attention to what others are in need of and catering to those needs without even being asked. We should be of assistance to others in different situations at different capacities.
Couple of poetic tributes to the wild and roadside flowers..
Wild flower! It comes with a pattern so rhythmatic, It comes with a design so disciplined , It comes with the colours so vibrant.. It blooms with all its beauty, to give justice to its own creation! It smiles with all its innocence to satisfy its own self love! It's never a bother for it whether others appreciate it or not.. It's the wildflower and only it matters to it!!
Roadside flower! The tiny flower by the roadside, In wonder, makes me open my mouth wide! Inconspicuous , Insignificant Bright in colour, still not so prominent! No one gives any attention Some even trample without realisation! A question arises in my mind When I pluck it and hold it in the hand!! What it might have thought by seeing the attention other flowers are getting? Will it not be jealous of them? But I am sure, that tiny flower by the roadside, is happily unaware of these facts! It just blooms, with its own beauty Amazing colour combination and perfect shape,a visual treat! Giving pleasure and wonder to those who observe and appreciate it! Then bids adieu to its life without making any noise! -----------------------------